ArtsBoston is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the arts.

 We are Berkshire Opera Festival (BOF), a fully-producing summer festival opening in 2016. Adhering to the highest standards of artistic excellence, we are committed to restoring fully-staged opera to a place of prominence in the Berkshire community. Each summer, we will present musically and dramatically compelling operatic productions, in addition to recitals and other related musical events (recitals and events will be held in the Boston area throughout the year as well).

We believe that opera is a living, breathing, relevant art form, and must be nurtured as such in order for it to survive and thrive. There is no substitute for experiencing the power of the live, unamplified human voice in a theater, and opera has the inherent, transformative ability to enhance one’s quality of life. These are the reasons we are dedicated to bringing opera back to the Berkshires.

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