Epilepsy Foundation of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire & Maine

Epilepsy Foundation of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire & Maine

Website: www.efmarinhme.org



 540 Gallivan Boulevard, Boston, MA 02124

MISSION, HISTORY, KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: The mission of EFMARINHME is to lead the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome challenges created by epilepsy. The organization is headquartered in Boston, MA. Services began, in Boston, in 1983, expanded throughout Massachusetts, into Rhode Island, in 1993, and into New Hampshire and Maine, in 1998. For over 25 years, EFMARINHME has provided services to meet the needs of people with epilepsy. EFMARINHME is the only organization in its service area that dedicates 100% of its resources to serving people with epilepsy. EFMARINHME serves over 2000 people per year. Over 80% of the service recipients are in Massachusetts.