The Fifth Floor Collective

The Fifth Floor Collective




The Fifth Floor Collective is a Boston area composers’ consortium that produces concerts featuring works by its founders and their contemporaries. Appreciating the past and looking toward the future, these four young composers seek to bridge the divide between old and new audiences by offering music that is fresh, expressive, and relevant. The Collective consists of Joseph M. Colombo, Patrick Greene, Andrew Paul Jackson, and Craig Pellet. They are colleagues and friends who share a drive and passion for their work and an enthusiasm about sharing it with as large an audience as possible. Each member of the collective has trained extensively in composition and, while the four members come from diverse musical backgrounds, they all share in the single-minded dedication of elevating their art and audience to new levels. With a reverence for the past and a passion for the future, they strive to bring the world of contemporary classical music to its appropriate audience: everyone.