Michael Chekhov Actor's Studio

Michael Chekhov Actor's Studio


Website: http://michaelchekhovactorsstudioboston.com

 (617) 869-7352

 7 Temple Street, Cambridge, MA 02141

Michael Chekhov Actors Studio is committed to benefiting professional and professionally oriented actors who aspire to free their innate talent and fire their personal and artistic growth and professional development. Our work is based on techniques and creative principles articulated by Michael Chekhov or consistent with his method. Additional to our core program, The Chekhov Training, we offer a regular schedule of classes and workshops in the Chekhov method, as well as complementary techniques and approaches. The aim of The Chekhov Training, in accord with our mission, is for the actor to acquire a reliable approach to creative inspiration, while encouraging and nourishing the actor’s unique creative individuality.