Jun 30 2023
The Poetry Brothel: Drag Me to Salem

The Poetry Brothel: Drag Me to Salem

Presented by The Poetry Brothel at Diehl Marcus & Company

The Poetry Brothel celebrates pride with a special emphasis on the divine art of drag! Don your best high femme, divine masc, non-binary, and gender fluid lewks and fly that freak flag in all its glorious colors with us. Celebrate the glittery patina of performance at our mainstage, then cozy up in a private room with the poet of your choice to unveil the many layers underneath.

VIP tickets include premium seating, a swag bag of mystery surprises, and two tokens for private a reading.

At The Poetry Brothel, a “madam” presents a rotating cast of poets, artists, and artisans who operate within self-constructed character, “erupting into verse in public and luring guests into back rooms for private readings,” as described in The New Yorker. Central to The Poetry Brothel experience is the creation of character, which for each artist serves as disguise and freeing device, enabling The Poetry Brothel to be a place of uninhibited creative expression in which artists and audience members alike can communicate more authentically.

Artists performing with the Brothel are women, men, folx, people of color, queer, straight, emerging, established, local, and international. Their characters are faeries, sea creatures, witches, aliens, virgins, whores, and everything in between. Some of the artists within The Poetry Brothel universe perform sex work in their off-hours. The Poetry Brothel uses its platform to support sex workers and to educate audiences about the sex industry.

Doors open at 730pm. The show begins promptly at 8pm.

This event is 21+

In addition to its poets, The Poetry Brothel presents artists and activists working in a variety of mediums both on stage and through its ever-changing array of intimate, interactive, and creative services.

On Consent: Behave with beauty, connect with intention. We are, by and large, a no-contact event -- here to blow your mind and nothing else! Always ask before touching anyone in our House, and report any discomfort to security or staff or the Madam Herself without delay.

Themed costumes and/or vintage formal wear are encouraged but not required. Our show includes flashing lights, reasonably amplified music, and a startling glimpse of your true self.

Please note that regretfully, this historic venue is not currently handicap accessible. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope our friends who require a ramp will join us at our next show (which will be at a handicap accessible venue).

Admission Info

$45 General Admission

$75 VIP - includes premium seating, a swag bag of mystery surprises, and two tokens for private a reading with the poet or tarot reader of your choice.

Some Pay-what-you-can tickets available.

Email: shari@poetrysocietyny.org

Dates & Times

2023/06/30 - 2023/06/30

Location Info

Diehl Marcus & Company

11 Central Street, Salem, MA 01970