ArtsBoston is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the arts.

The Acton Children’s School provides Toddler, Pre-school, before and after kindergarten and extended day programs for first and second grade children. The school is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from September through the third week of June. An optional summer program is available during the last week of June, July, and the first two weeks of August. Activities are selected by children from a variety of learning areas developed and prepared by teachers, including dramatic play, blocks, science, math, games, puzzles, books, art, cooking, woodworking, music, and outdoor play. Favorable child-teacher ratios make it possible to provide many opportunities for children to develop social skills such as cooperating, helping, negotiating, and communicating to resolve conflicts. Flexible part-time and full-time schedules are available.

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