ArtsBoston is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the arts.

Ellipsis Trio is a piano trio residing in Cambridge, MA. Our mission is to bring delight to all, from those who ever felt a twinge of nostalgia listening to a Schubert melody, to those who might tap a foot to Aretha Franklin. This is our endeavor born of love. Ellipsis is a recipient of the Rosenbloom Foundation Career Grant. In the upcoming months, Ellipsis Trio will be working with composers John Harbison and Tod Machover on their works for piano trio. The trio members have performed with esteemed artists such as Ronald Thomas, Bayla Keyes, Peter Zazofsky, Lynn Chang, Max Levinson, Hsin-Yun Huang, Suren Bagratuni, and Irina Muresanu. Ellipsis performs regularly in the Boston metropolitan area and was most recently featured on Quincy’s QATV station.

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