ArtsBoston is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the arts.

Dedee Shattuck Gallery, along with the acres of meadows and forest behind the Gallery, embodies owner Dedee Shattuck’s lifelong appreciation of art, environment, and cultural standard. The Gallery, designed by Shattuck in collaboration with Pamela Donnelly of Los Angeles and South Dartmouth, and Saltonstall Architects of Marion, is inspired by Westport’s historic Quaker architecture. To maximize the exhibition space, the building was designed with soaring columns of glass delineating its four corners. Along with monthly painting, sculpture, drawing, and multi-media exhibitions, the Gallery hosts lectures and presentations by writers, musicians, and naturalists. The goal is to produce the same sense of discovery and exploration for the viewer that Shattuck has experienced through a life in the arts. Exhibitions include noted international, national, regional, and emerging artists. Our Inaugural 2011 season featured painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators, and ceramicists from as nearby as Westport, MA and as far away as North Carolina. In the upcoming season and years to come, we aim to feature artists from ever-broadening places, genres and time periods, establishing a cultural hub in the heart of Westport.

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